© Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club Limited by Guarantee. Registered No. 8263609 England

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Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club 1959 to 1968 Sunbeam Alpine silhouette Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club logo

Advertising requirements.

Alpine for Sale.

Please follow the instructions below and your advert, once checked, will be placed on the Cars For Sale page.

1. There is no charge to club members to advertise

2. Non Members £25 Email webmaster for address to send cheque. Or

3. Use the PayPal Link from the menu Spares or advertising link to pay by Credit/Debit Card or use your PayPal account.

To sell an Alpine  Click Here   Adverts will not appear on the page unless full details are given including the owners name and address. Your address will not appear in the advert.

Adverts will appear for an initial period of  8 weeks unless deletion is requested  earlier.

If the car is not sold after 8 weeks and you wish to continue with the advert for a further 8 weeks, please Email  webmaster

There will be no further charge.

Parts for Sale.               

1. There is no charge to club members to advertise.

2. Non- Members £10.00. Email webmaster for address to send cheque. Or

3. Use the PayPal Link from the menu Spares or advertising link to pay by Credit/Debit Card or use your PayPal account.

How to advertise.

To sell parts Click Here Don't forget your Address, telephone number and email.

Please include your current Club Membership Number or state non member.

Adverts will appear for at least 2 months before deletion. Advise webmaster if more time required. No further charge.

Parts or Alpine Wanted.

This facility open to anyone.

It is now possible to place your wanted requests for Parts or Alpines directly on to the Wanted section of the Forum. You will have to register to use the forum but the procedure is quite simple. Please be sure you know who you are dealing with before you release any details.

Click for FORUM   log on (You may have to register)

Sunbeam Alpine